9 Essential Tips About Keeping Pet Reptiles for Beginners

Some of the best pet reptiles for beginners include:



These species generally tame easily, tolerate handling well, and are resilient in the face of common beginner mistakes.

However, just because a reptile is labeled as “good for beginners” doesn’t mean that it’s cheap or a good idea to give to a child as a birthday present. Reptiles are exotic pets, and that means they have very specific needs in order to thrive (or even stay alive, for that matter) in captivity. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re considering adding a pet reptile to your family, make sure to read through the tips in my article! Read it at The Bio Dude here: https://www.thebiodude.com/blogs/helpful-husbandry-faqs/what-do-i-need-to-know-before-getting-my-first-reptile

Once you’ve made your decision on the reptile that you want, check out my library of science-based reptile care manuals and care sheets for care instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email at mariah@reptifiles.com!

advice on reptiles for beginners

This article was written by Mariah Healey exclusively for use by The Bio Dude and originally published on October 30, 2020.
