Sudan Plated Lizard Health & Illnesses

healthy rough-scaled plated lizard
"Photo 640299" by carrieconsult is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Has your plated lizard stopped eating? Are you worried about potential diseases that can affect your pet? Welcome to ReptiFiles’ table of contents for all things pertaining to rough-scaled plated lizard health.

In the wild, a sick or weakened reptile is a target for predators, so they have become experts at pretending to be well. As pets, this means that any reptile owner must be extra diligent in order to notice changes that may indicate illness.

  • Weigh your plated lizard weekly – sudden weight loss often indicates illness.
  • Keep a weekly record of weight, feeding habits, behavior, shedding, etc.
  • Prepare a reptile first-aid kit so you won’t be left scrambling if your pet becomes sick or injured.

Disclaimer: I am not a reptile veterinarian nor a reptile health expert. This guide to plated lizard diseases and other health topics is to be used as a set of guidelines, not professional medical advice. If you have an emergency, call your vet ASAP.

Plated lizard health topics:


Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)




Respiratory Infection



Tail Loss


Need a vet?

If you’re looking for a reptile veterinarian near you, I recommend checking out the ReptiFiles Reptile Vet Directory. Or, you can chat with a reptile health expert online: is a JustAnswer affiliate.

Read the rest of our Sudan Plated Lizard Care Guide: