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Decorating your leopard gecko terrarium is more than just another means to waste your money and/or make your gecko’s space look prettier. While they can serve an aesthetic function, they also enhance a reptile’s quality of life by mimicking their natural environment and providing mental stimulation. The best zoos do this all the time — it’s called environmental enrichment.
A leopard gecko needs at least two hides: a warm, moist hide, and a cool, dry hide. Do not limit yourself to two hides, however. If possible, add more — like a warm, dry hide. People like having options, and leopard geckos do, too.
There’s not a lot of plants in leopard geckos’ natural environment, but if you want to enhance the aesthetic with plants, great! Make sure to wash artificial plants before using.
Any live plants should be nontoxic and suited to a dry environment so you don’t have to raise the humidity too much with occasional watering.
One of the best ways you can improve the enclosure’s appearance will be with rocks. Leopard geckos like climbing, and in fact, stacking pieces of slate with inch-two inch spacers between simulates the cracks that they hide and climb in in their natural environment.
Water bowl
Geckos drink readily from water bowls, so they need on in their enclosure. It should be shallow enough that the gecko can’t drown by accident, and the water should be replaced daily or whenever it gets dirty.
If you’re using an all-glass enclosure, adding a naturalistic backdrop can be much more attractive. It also helps the gecko feel more secure in its environment because he can’t see outside as much.
Leopard Gecko Terrarium Design Ideas
Additional tips
Keep in mind that changes in décor may disorient or otherwise stress your gecko, making them act weird. This is normal for a week or two after major changes, but varies according to gecko. If your gecko doesn’t mind or seems to like change, then that might be a good way to enhance their environment. If your gecko reacts poorly to change, it’s best to keep the layout the same (however boring you might think it is).
Keep reading about leopard gecko care:
- Introduction to Leopard Geckos
- Shopping List
- Terrarium Size and Cohabitation
- Lighting, Temperature & Humidity Needs
- Substrate (Bedding) Options
- Decorating Your Leopard Gecko’s Enclosure
- What to Feed Your Leopard Gecko
- Handling Tips & Leopard Gecko Body Language
- Common Diseases, Illnesses & Other Health Questions
- Additional Resources