Your Gargoyle Gecko Shopping List

For your convenience, ReptiFiles has put together a shopping list of all the gargoyle gecko supplies you will need. Print it out or bookmark this page for a quick reference while you shop! Keep in mind that everything should be purchased and set up BEFORE you get the gecko. This will save you a lot of stress, and does your new pet a big favor, too.

Disclaimer: ReptiFiles’ reptile kits contain affiliate links, which means we receive a small portion of the purchases, at no additional cost to you. These proceeds help keep the information on ReptiFiles free. Thank you for your support!

(And don’t worry — we never endorse products that we don’t like.)

Approximate investment before crested gecko purchase: $220 – $350 USD For best results, set up your gargoyle gecko’s enclosure BEFORE you buy the gecko itself. This will help it transition to your care easier. We also recommend finding an experienced reptile veterinarian in your area. It’s always better to do a little bit of research when nothing’s wrong than to find yourself in a panic when your pet gets sick. Start here: Finding the Reptile Vet of Your Dreams.

Downloadable Shopping Lists

Do you prefer to have a physical shopping list in hand as you peruse your favorite independently-owned pet shop? We like shopping lists too, so we made one that you can either pull up on your phone or print out. Here you go:
orange stripe juvenile gargoyle gecko - gargoyle gecko supplies

Orange stripe juvenile for sale at a reptile expo. Photo by Tiki’s Geckos

Gargoyle Gecko Care Guide — Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Gargoyle Geckos
  2. The Gargoyle Gecko Shopping List (YOU ARE HERE)
  3. Terrarium Size Guidelines
  4. Substrate Options
  5. Temperature & Humidity Requirements
  6. Decorating Your Gecko’s Terrarium
  7. Feeding Your Gargoyle Gecko
  8. Handling Tips
  9. Common Diseases & Health Questions
  10. Additional Resources