Salvator (Argentine) Tegu Species
rgentine tegus tend to have solid-colored heads with calm dispositions that are easy to tame. They average between 3’-5’ long (91-152 cm), with females being smaller than males. Their diet is omnivorous.
Argentine tegus are easy to find CBB (captive born and bred), with the exception of S. duseni, which is not available to the pet trade.
Salvator duseni (Yellow Tegu)

The yellow tegu is found in parts of Brazil and throughout Paraguay. It is characterized by a dark head and limbs, darkest at the tip of the snout, with yellow and black coloration.
Salvator merianae (Black and White Tegu)

The black and white tegu is the most popular species of pet tegu in the United States. It is also known as the chacoan tegu, giant tegu, and blue tegu (which is actually a color morph). It has a wide range and is found throughout eastern Argentina, southern Brazil, as well as Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia. It is also invasive in the southeastern USA.
This species can have a snout-to-vent length up to (and possibly exceeding) 20″ / 50cm (Naretto et al., 2015) and a total length of 51-59″ / 130-150cm (Carreira et al., 2005, p.180). Females are usually significantly smaller than males (Juri et al., 2015).
Salvator rufescens (Red Tegu)
The red tegu is the heaviest-built of all the tegus, but also popular in captivity. It is found in Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and the Brazilian state of Parana. It is distinguished by its red and black coloration, although the red pigment develops with age and is not present in juveniles.
This species can have a snout-to-vent length of up to ~20″ / 50cm (Fitzgerald et al., 1993), although females are usually significantly smaller than males (Juri et al., 2015).
Tupinambis (Colombian) Tegu Species
Colombian tegus, at a glance, have more heavily patterned heads and grow smaller than Argentine tegus — 2’-3.5’ long (61-107 cm), with females being smaller than males. They are less popular as pets due to a more defensive disposition, but can be tamed. Their diet is carnivorous.
Most Colombian tegus on today’s market are WC (wild-caught) gold tegus.
Tupinambis cryptus (Gold Tegu)
T. cryptus is one of the 3 species that were mistakenly classified as T. teguixin until 2016. T. cryptus can be identified by a banded dorsal (back) pattern, lack of distinct round spots on the hind legs, and 5 supraocular scales (above the eye) with the first being the longest. Some specimens have 6 supraocular scales; in this case the longest scale is the second.
Gold tegus can be found in Colombia and throughout the Amazon Basin, as well as Panama. They are thought to be semi-aquatic.
Tupinambis cuzcoensis (Gold Tegu)
T. cuzcoensis is one of the 3 species that were mistakenly classified as T. teguixin until 2016. T. cuzcoensis can be identified by a banded dorsal (back) pattern, lack of distinct round spots on the hind legs, and 6 supraocular scales (above the eye).
Gold tegus can be found in Colombia and throughout the Amazon Basin, as well as Panama. They are thought to be semi-aquatic.
Tupinambis longilineus (Rodonia tegu)
The Rodonia tegu is found throughout northwestern Brazil, and has a broad, dark lateral stripe on each side between the limbs.
Tupinambis matipu (Matipu lizard)
T. matipu is the newest tegu species discovered, described in the February 2018 issue of the Journal of Herpetology. It lives in central South America, between Amazonia, Cerrado, and Pantanal. Image here.
Tupinambis palustris (Swamp tegu)
Little is known about the swamp tegu, but we do know that it has a fairly narrow range — found only in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. Image here.
Tupinambis teguixin (Gold Tegu)
The gold tegu is also known as the Colombian black and white tegu, due to a similarity in coloring as juveniles. They are frequently sold by vendors who do not know better or are trying to scam trusting buyers. The coloration of a gold tegu is more pale yellow and black than black and white, and they remain much smaller. They also display round spots on the back legs, a distinction shared by no other tegu in the teguixin group. Gold tegus can be found in Colombia and throughout the Amazon Basin, as well as Panama, and are invasive in the southeastern USA. They are thought to be semi-aquatic.
Gold tegus grow at least as large as 11″ / 28cm snout to vent length and 30″ / 77cm total length (Murphy et al., 2016).
Tupinambis quadrilineatus (Four-striped tegu)
Little is also known about the four-striped tegu, except that it can be found around central Brazil.
Tupinambis zuliensis (Gold Tegu)
T. zuliensis is one of the 3 species that were mistakenly classified as T. teguixin until 2016. This species can be distinguished the easiest, as its dorsal (back) pattern is uniform with spots instead of banded.
Gold tegus can be found in Colombia and throughout the Amazon Basin, as well as Panama. They are thought to be semi-aquatic.
For help identifying your Gold Tegu’s species, join the Colombian Tegus Only group on Facebook.
For more information about the recently reclassified teguixin group, read the full study: “Cryptic, Sympatric Diversity in Tegu Lizards of the Tupinambis teguixin Group (Squamata, Sauria, Teiidae) and the Description of Three New Species.”
Argentine/Colombian Tegu Care:
- Introduction to Tegus
- Shopping List
- List of Tegu Species
- Terrarium Sizing for Hatchlings, Juveniles & Adults
- Temperature & Humidity Requirements
- Substrate Options
- Decorating Your Tegu’s Enclosure
- Feeding Your Tegu
- Handling Tips
- Benefits of Free-Roaming
- Common Problems & Questions About Tegu Health
- Additional Resources