Additional Resources

Further Reading

BeardieVet (Facebook) — BeardieVet is a blog detailing Dr. Jonathon Howard’s veterinary research on Pogona species. What makes his research unique is that he is using healthy wild bearded dragons in Australia to form the baseline of his research, and his discoveries and insights will change your bearded dragon husbandry for the better.

BeardieVet Explains (YouTube) — Essentially a bearded dragon husbandry masterclass based on Dr. Howard’s research in Australia.

Beautiful Dragons —  Comprehensive list of fruits, vegetables, and insects rated according to how safe they are to feed a bearded dragon. Great tool for making sure your beardie gets a varied diet!

Here B Dragons — If you want to know more about bearded dragon colors, patterns, and other genetic traits, Here B Dragons explains it thoroughly in this article.

Your First Bearded Dragon — Care guide assembled by Frances Baines MRCVS, author of the UV Guide.

Forums and Communities

Bearded Dragons Network (Facebook) — Bearded dragon groups have a tendency to err on the side of critical and highly aggressive, which can be very discouraging for new beardie owners. This community approaches beardie husbandry with a wealth of knowledge for both beginners and more experienced keepers alike. Plus I’m one of the moderators, so you know it’s good. 😉 Be sure to read the rules and files!

Bonkers About Beardies (Facebook) — Group dedicated specifically to setting up and maintaining bioactive enclosures for bearded dragons.

How Not to Slay the Dragon (Facebook) — This group is the long-awaited Advancing Herpetological Husbandry-affiliated Facebook group specific to bearded dragons and their care. Like AHH, the focus of this group is scientific fact and education through civil discourse. The goal is to help bearded dragon owners provide high-quality, naturalistic care for their pets. A must-join!

Muscular Dystrophy Bearded Dragons (Facebook) — Support group for owners of bearded dragons with muscular dystrophy. “There is a growing number of bearded dragons sold in pet stores that are afflicted with a type of muscular dystrophy. They have inflexible joints, spastic muscle control, weak muscles, and often flip themselves over instead of moving forward. It is almost always misdiagnosed as Metabolic Bone Disease, but it’s not a calcium issue. It’s a neurological issue that can’t be fixed yet.” If you think your beardie may have muscular dystrophy, join this group.

Scientific Research


BeardieVet on YouTube

BEARDED DRAGONS IN THE WILD! (are we keeping them correctly?) — Dāv Kaufman’s Reptile Adventures

Keep reading:

  1. Introduction to Bearded Dragons
  2. Bearded Dragon Shopping List
  3. Terrarium Size & Cohabitation
  4. Heating & Lighting Requirements
  5. Substrate Options
  6. Enclosure Decor & Environmental Enrichment
  7. What Do Bearded Dragons Eat?
  8. Handling Tips
  9. Common Diseases and Other Health Info
  10. Additional Resources